Funk This Up by Jessica Winter is on our ERROR 404 Playlist. We love this song because of its diverse and paradoxical sound. It is hard to describe, but we’d say a great blend of cinematic synth-pop and theatrical goth.
Funk This Up is on Jessica Winter’s EP Limerence. Speaking about Limerence, Jessica said: “Limerence has been a part of a broader narrative in my life - recognising how patterns around love and addiction have hurt me and the people around me. It’s born from both healing and frustration - an admission of the ways fear can govern our lives even in the most subtle ways.”
Jessica is born and raised in Portsmouth. Her first introduction into music came from an unconventional avenue. Born with Hip Dysplasia, she had her first major hip operation at 11-months old, a consequence of which meant the only seat she could adequately sit in was her family’s piano stool. Confined to this space, the following years saw her cultivate a gift in music and begin to develop into the artist she is today, with little to do but gaze out the window and explore her imagination.
Jessica not only self-produces and writes all of her own music, but also lends her talents to several other high-calibre artists too. We think that Jessica Winter is one of the most exciting emerging artists on the music scene today.
The Error 404 Playlist is our curated yet ongoing selection of artists that we love because of their highly energetic and chaotic sound. PRAWN’s main focus is on spotlighting unsung voices and diverse talent. This is part of our first initiative in a continuous project to create a multi-genre soundscape, oscillating between the absurd and the sensical.
Go to our Error 404 Playlist or follow the link in our IG bio @prawnfamily to listen to Funk This Up by Jessica Winter.